What is a Soundflake?

Ringing the Hope Bell

Our team received dozens of bell videos that were analyzed by sound engineers specifically for this purpose—to transform the sound of the bell into a unique visual representation of this special moment in the cancer journey.

Sound Analysis

Our custom-built generative application analyzes the bell audio for everything that makes it unique—frequency, duration, tones, and ambient sounds such as clapping, cheering, and of course the sound of the Hope bell itself.

One-of-a-kind Soundflake

The analyzed sounds transform into the very fibers and motion of each soundflake, becoming more elaborate as the soundflake grows to match the cadence of the bell ringing. The result? A unique soundflake for each bell moment.

Have a Hope bell video you'd like to
transform into a unique Soundflake? Submit it here.

What is a Soundflake?

Have a Hope Lodge Bell you'd like to
transform into a unique Soundflake?
Submit it here.


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